Thursday, June 10, 2010

2004 was the year,

Former Ankeny coach Dick Rasmussen and wife Sue, decided to have a big event at AHS. Let's have a 6 on 6 game to honor our past basketball players. MVP of the 1928 class was contacted about the event, please attend. Her reply to Coach Rassmussen:

"Miss Van Fossen was coach of our Basketball team. I played Running Center. On the team (if my memory is right) was Lydia Gentosi, Erma and Anita Ugulini, Georgia Donahue. I can't remember the name of the Center, she was a tall and great player. Believe her name was Ruth Davidson. We gave other schools a run for their money. Those were the good old days."

Emma Bulgarelli Trucano wrote from her home in Santa Clara, California, and also added: "I don't believe I would be an asset to the team at this point. I will be 95 on December 13, so my speed has diminished. How I would like to go back to those years. Wish I were in Ankeny visiting, I would take you up on this, just to sit in the bleachers for I do feel well."

Around 100 former players attended the event held over Thanksgiving week end. Before the AHS varsity team played their regularly scheduled game, the alumni game was played and at half time all alumni present were introduced. Players from the 1940's attended as well as many youngsters, early 90's grads that were still "in shape."