Thursday, June 30, 2011

I am not doing

a very good job with this blog. I had planned to post all of the photos from AHS Hawkette Teams, but.....retirement does that to y'all......too much to do, not enough time...Word arrived last week end of the death of a 1952 era Hawkette, Kay Thompson Moeckly....She was on the team that played vs. the Lions Club. There is a great photo of her showing off an item to two of the men in the Lion's Club. It won't be long....until we have TWO separate high schools in our home town. This blog is for AHS Hawkettes, it will not include the Centennial team. I hope our current coach Scott DeJong will stay with AHS and keep the tradition moving along. Our community might be divided for a while, maybe forever, like Des might be a while until we field some state tournament teams again. I wonder if the powers that be considered that situation when voting for TWO high schools. Don't you think we could have kept ONE high school? Or is this all about more activities for more kids to participate ?
4-3 is always the vote. The FOUR people are raising our taxes.........Ooh Rah..........