Monday, May 20, 2013

The Last Season and Graduation

are over.  Two friends saved the Register for me and i also was able to read the paper online all winter long. I guess that means I have a big project this summer, make that scrapbook for the Historical Society.  I also have to catch up with the last two or three years also, time just flies at times and I get so behind.....

the players on these teams will meet this summer for a big FOUR CLASS REUNION.  They were the last four year high school, and they were in high school at Neveln.  Yes, four classes fit into that building.  BB games were held at Parkview and for a while, we were bused to Parkview for lunch.  On the east gym wall was a huge aerial map of the city and on the north wall the quote "For when the great scorer comes to write against your name, he writes not that you won nor lost, but how you played the game."